Arts & Humanities
Darren Zook - UC Berkeley
From India to North Korea - The Academic Traveler's Guide to Trust, Identity and Dialogue Across Cultures
David Riemer - UC Berkeley Haas
Transforming Business, Brands, and Creativity Through Storytelling
Adam Zientek - UC Davis
Wine, War, and Mutiny – The French Army’s Drinking Culture in WWI
Lerone Martin - Stanford University
How J. Edgar Hoover & the FBI Used White Christian Nationalism to Undermine Martin Luther King Jr.
Jodie Sun - Fudan University
From Mao to Xi - The Evolution of China’s Influence in Africa
Jesse Gates - Nankai University
Linguistics, Cultural Understandings & the Stau Language
Herman Cappelen - University of Hong Kong
Philosophy, Conceptual Engineering & Artificial Intelligence
Andrew Bailey - Yale NUS
Resistance Money, Bitcoin & Environmental Impact of Cryptocurrency Mining
Peter Sahlins - UC Berkeley
French History, National Identity & Animal Symbolism
Dewi Cahya Ambarwati - Gadja Mada University
Indonesian Culture & Traditional Performance Arts
Michael Yonan - UC Davis
Rococo & the Vital Role of Art History Today
Flagg Miller - UC Davis
Exploring Islam's History, Cultural Impact, and the Yemeni Civil War
Jesse Drew - UC Davis
Technoculture, Electronics and Our Relationship with Digital Media
Tina Rulli - UC Davis
Moral Duty to Adopt, Race & Genetics, & Pro-Life Anti Vaxxers
Simon Sadler - UC Davis
Accumulation of the Artificial & the Dance of Life