Social Sciences
Amanda Crump - UC Davis
Small Farms, Big Impact—Lessons from Global Development Fieldwork
Clare Cannon - UC Davis
Environmental Justice, Community Science, and Public Health Disparities
Olaf Groth - UC Berkeley Haas
AI, Globalization 2.0, and Strategic Leadership
Anastassia Fedyk - UC Berkeley Haas
AI, Ukraine, and Risks of Hype-Driven Investing
Stephen Garcia - UC Davis
The Psychology of Competition, Negotiations, and Growth Mindset
James Adams - UC Davis
Why is U.S. Political Polarization on the Rise and Can Women Save Us?
Vikram Amar - UC Davis
Electoral College v. Popular Vote Debate & Key Supreme Court Rulings
Chris Hare - UC Davis
Polling Data, Political Polarization & the 2024 Election
Carlton Larson - UC Davis
Trump, Treason & The Second Amendment
彭骞 - Guilin University of Tourism
Rural Chinese Revitalization & Our Experience in Guilin
Vivian Lou - University of Hong Kong
Caring for an Aging Population & Creating Harmony among Chinese Generations
Elaine Ho - National University of Singapore
Aging Populations, Migrant Identity, & the Chinese Diaspora in Singapore
Andrew Delios - National University of Singapore
China, Corporate Strategy & the Management of Multinational Firms
Henry Yeung - National University of Singapore
Geography of Corporations, Supply Chains, & Semiconductors
Giuseppe Ugazio - University of Geneva
Neuroeconomics, Blended Finance & AI in the Future of Philanthropy
Bouke van Gorp - Utrecht University
Cultural Geography, Media & Our Place in the Built Environment
Aneesh Raghunandan - London School of Economics
ESG Scores, Greenwashing & Corporate Misconduct
Galit Ashkenazi-Golan - London School of Economics
Game Theory & AI Price Collusion
Damien Caillaud - UC Davis
Mountain Gorillas, Behavioral Ecology, & Conservation
Ashutosh Bhagwat - UC Davis
The Legality of Free Speech & Social Media
Laramie Taylor - UC Davis
What Influences Our Sexual & Romantic Relationships
David Rapson - UC Davis
Electric Vehicles, Grid Infrastructure and the Role of the Federal Reserve
Aaron Smith - UC Davis
Agricultural Econometrics, Biofuels, & the Future of Ethical Technology
Zachary Psick - UC Davis
Mass Incarceration & Reversing the School to Prison Pipeline
Giovanni Peri - UC Davis
Economics of Global Migration & Successful Integration of Migrants